
Caspar Blog

Enable Fingerprint in Thinkpad T410 Under Gentoo

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As I mentioned in the previous post, I couldn't get my fingerprint reader work in Gentoo. Now this problem has been solved. ;-)

Before starting, here're some useful links may help those who are suffering from similar fingerprint issues like me:

If you're using a fingerprint with USB id "147e:2016", you can have a look at this thinkwiki link, The "147e:2016" item is updated recently: a Red Hat Bugzilla URL added.

This RHBZ link tried to enable TCRD4C devices, but seemed that my fingerprint was another different type since it still did not work after applied all the patches attached.

------>8------ Cutting, Let's enable T410 fingerprint ------>8------

Using Fingerprint-GUI and UPEK SDK can easily enable fingerprint reader in T410. Fingerprint-GUI provides an integration of setup GUI, authentication plugin, PAM module and the UPEK library, all of the GUI parts are written with QT4 (I don't like it :-\), released under GPL-v3 licence. However, UPEK SDK library is EULA copyrighted and seems never to release the code to us.

Notice that you still need have libfprint installed, what's more, a version >= 1.0_pre is necessary, according to the manual of Fingerprint.

Since A PAM module is integrated in Fingerprint-GUI so that your fingerprint driver can work in GDM, sudo, gnome-screensave, etc, you must remove other fingerprint PAM modules like pam_fprint or pam_thinkfinger.

For Gentoo users, I have finished two ebuilds for this application. You can find them in my github repo, fprint is also included in the repo.

I'm not good at writing ebuilds, any suggestions are welcomed.

P.S. Is there anybody know how to assert the existence of a kernel module in a ebuild? I need to judge whether `uinput.ko' exists or not among current kernel modules. Thanks.
